deleting record
Yannick Majoros
2006-05-15 15:15:01 UTC

We would like to see records being deleted from the zebra server. It
seems Emilda only updates its table to filter the records instead of
really deleting them. Our zebra server is queried from other sources
than Emilda, and with the current way of deleting books in Emilda, they
still show up in requests to the server :-( What can we do?

Best regards,
Yannick Majoros http://www.inma.ucl.ac.be/~majoros
Informaticien UCL/INMA-MEMA
4, avenue G. Lemaître
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel: +32-10-47.80.10
Fax: +32-10-47.21.80
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#JAPH : http://www.inma.ucl.ac.be/~majoros/japh.txt
Yannick Majoros
2006-05-15 16:21:15 UTC
Post by Yannick Majoros
We would like to see records being deleted from the zebra server. It
seems Emilda only updates its table to filter the records instead of
really deleting them. Our zebra server is queried from other sources
than Emilda, and with the current way of deleting books in Emilda,
they still show up in requests to the server :-( What can we do?
Ok, I have a workaround for now. But why did you implement it this way?
I suppose there are good reasons, but I'm not sure :-/

Anyway, if anyone is interested, here is my workaround (a little ugly,
but it works for us):

Post by Yannick Majoros
if ($control_number!='') {
while(strlen($control_number)<10) $control_number='0'.$control_number;
print exec("/www/html/biblio/book_delete.sh $control_number");
#(there are things to fix above to make it work for your installation ;


rm zebra/records/$1
. zebra/reindex.sh
echo Zebra record $1 deleted


pushd .
cd /www/html/biblio/zebra
/etc/init.d/idzebra stop
/usr/local/bin/zebraidx init
/usr/local/bin/zebraidx -g emilda update records
/usr/local/bin/zebraidx commit
/etc/init.d/idzebra start
/bin/chown -R nobody:nobody /www/html/biblio/zebra

Best regards,
Yannick Majoros http://www.inma.ucl.ac.be/~majoros
Informaticien UCL/INMA-MEMA
4, avenue G. Lemaître
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel: +32-10-47.80.10
Fax: +32-10-47.21.80
Si vous avez des problÚmes pour afficher ce message (accents qui ne passent pas, signature électronique, ...) votre systÚme de mail n'est pas conforme aux standards modernes, voir
#JAPH : http://www.inma.ucl.ac.be/~majoros/japh.txt
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